Thursday 31 October 2013

OBIEE 11g - Prompts & Hierarchical Prompts

Hierarchical Prompts : 

• Hierarchical prompts generate selection steps. This impact the report layout as it includes the members that must be shown in the report.

Prompts : 

• Normal prompts generate filters. Filters do not impact the report layout but only the data retrieved from the database.

Hierarchical prompt:

Normal Prompt :

Note : Selection steps are not filters. Hierarchical prompts do not behave like normal prompts. Choose wisely.

Difference Between Filter & Selection Step


Applying filters in reports may seem similar to selection steps.
see bellow image

• Are always applied on all views.
Selection Steps:
• Are applied only if the corresponding column is included in the view.
• May generate additional logical and physical queries.

Look at bellow screen shots :

But see what happens when columns are removed from tables -

Next Time ..

Difference Between Group By And Calculated Item

                                                        Group by and Calculated Items

It is important to understand the differences between two types of selection steps: groups and calculated items.
Performance considerations - 
Calculated items are computed on presentation server. They are executed on the (normally small) result set retrieved from BI Server. Usually they do not have any impact on performance.
Groups are computed on the database. They generate additional logical and physical queries. They have a significant impact on resources required on the database, and therefore on global Performance.

Functionality perspective - 

Calculated items formula are exactly applied on result set as they are. Aggregation rules used to compute the metrics on BI Server are not considered.
Groups generate a query with a filter based on members selected. Aggregation rules are applied on BI Server as usual.

Next Time ..

Canonical Time Dimension in OBIEE

Canonical Time Dimension :

Each Business Model should include a main time dimension connected to almost all fact tables. This is necessary for reports that includes multiple facts. It is also much easier for end-users than having a time dimension per fact table.

Friday 11 October 2013

OBIEE - Mini-Dimensions

Mini-Dimensions :

  1. Mini-dimension tables include combinations of the most queried attributes of their parent dimensions.
  2. They must be small compared to the parent dimension,so they can include only columns that have a relatively small number of distinct values.

Note : Mini-dimensions are joined both to main fact table and to
aggregate tables.

Used to : 
• They improve query performance because BI Server will often use this small table instead of the big parent dimension.
• They increase the usage of aggregate tables. Due to the level of aggregation, aggregate tables cannot be joined to the parent dimension. But they can be joined to the mini-dimension instead. It allows reports to use the aggregate table even if they use some columns from the corresponding dimension.

NeXt Time ..

Wednesday 25 September 2013

OBIEE 11g - Exceeded configured maximum number of allowed output prompts, sections, rows or columns

There are various error messages produced in OBIEE 11g around "Exceeded Configured Maximum Number of ...". In this case we are looking at Output Prompts, Sections, Rows or Columns; which is not very specific.
There are now maximum limits set on the number of columns/rows/etc in a report. Why Oracle have done this I do not know; I have not noticed any change in performance by lowering these limits. The limits need to be applied separately for the different view objects available (i.e. <Table>, <Pivot>, etc).
These limits are set in the instanceconfig.xml file used by the Presentation Services.
 Follow the Linux commands below to locate the file.

Linux Command Prompt
> cd /opt/app/obiee/fmw_home1/instances/instance1
> cd config/OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent/coreapplication_obips1
> cp instanceconfig.xml instanceconfig.xml.original
> vi instanceconfig.xml

As demonstrated above I would take a backup of the original, or current version, of the file before making any changes. The default settings are shown below. In the file it is commented that these settings are managed by the Enterprise Manager - ignore these comments.

<!--This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Manager-->
<!--This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control--><DefaultRowsDisplayedInDelivery>75</DefaultRowsDisplayedInDelivery>
<!--This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Manager-->
<!--This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control--><DefaultRowsDisplayedInDownload>2500</DefaultRowsDisplayedInDownload>
<!--This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Manager-->
<!--This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control--><DisableAutoPreview>false</DisableAutoPreview>
<!--This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Manager-->
<!--This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control--><DefaultRowsDisplayedInDelivery>75</DefaultRowsDisplayedInDelivery>
<!--This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Manager-->
<!--This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control--><DefaultRowsDisplayedInDownload>2500</DefaultRowsDisplayedInDownload>

Notice that each of the objects has its own subsection within the <Views> section. There are various settings that are applied to each object type. In the update document below I have replaced this entire section. I describe each configuration item below.

After Modify instanceconfig.xml file...


Cube settings affect the display and processing of data in pivot tables and charts. Cube settings are listed within their own element tags, cube. In this way they are different to other tags that are largely reused between different elements.

<CubeMaxRecords> - specifies the maximum number of records returned for a view to then process. The default is 40,000 records.

<CubeMaxPopulatedCells> - specifies the maximum number of data cells that can be populated in a view; the default is 120,000 cells.

<MaxCells> - specifies the maximum number of cells to be displayed in a view; it must be specified separately for each view type and is applicable to Table and Pivot views. The default is 50,000. The MaxCells should be equal to MaxVisibleColumns (in a pivot view) multiplied by the MaxVisibleRows.

<MaxPagesToRollOutInDelivery> - specifies the maximum number of pages included in a view when it is exposed via a Dashboard; the default is 1000.

<MaxRecords> - Applicable to the narrative view, or ticker, this element specifies the maximum number of records that can be processed to create a view; the default is 40,000.

<MaxVisiblePages> - specifies the maximum number of view prompts (or pages in a PDF) to be displayed for a Chart, Table or Pivot; the default is 1000 Pages.

<MaxVisibleRows> - specifies the maximum number of rows to be displayed in a chart, pivot or table; the default is 500.

<MaxVisibleSections> - specifies the maximum number of sections to be displayed in a chart, pivot or table; the default is 25 sections.

<MaxVisibleColumns> - specifies the maximum number of columns displayed in a chart of pivot table; the default is 300.

<DefaultRowsDisplayed> - specifies the default number of rows to display in a view. It can be applied to a Narrative, Pivot, Table or Trellis; the default is 25. This number should not exceen MaxVisibleRows.

<DefaultRowsDisplayedInDelivery> - specifies the maximum number of rows to display in a view when it is exposed via a Dashboard. Applicable to a Pivot or Table, the default is 100.

<DefaultRowsDisplayedInDownload> - specifies the maximum number of rows included in a view when it is exported, such as a PDF or Excel export. It is applicable to a Pivot or Table and the default is 65,000.

<JavaHostReadLimitInDB> - specifies the maximum amount of data sent to the browser for a chart. It is not relevant to any other view object.

After Modifications must need to restart the presentation services.

Thursday 19 September 2013

Disply previous 3month names

Hi All,

This is Commen requirement, need to disply all last 3months name.

Find bellow steps :

1.Here current month is September, select DATE,Month Names Column.
2. Add Filter convert on SQL on DATE Column
Use bellow query on filter Tab

Time.Date <= cast(current_date as date) and Time.Date >= TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_MONTH, -2, TIMESTAMPADD( SQL_TSI_DAY , DAYOFMONTH( CURRENT_DATE) * -(1) + 1, CURRENT_DATE))

Here Time.Date is my Dimession Column and see result.

Finaly Result like this

Monday 8 July 2013

Passing presentation variable to prompts in 11g

When we are using Presentation variables, Prompt functionality is very limited. One of those is using
option 'All Column Values'.Here I'm trying to depict a Tip to make use of option 'All Column Values'.
To demonstrate the same here I'm defining a Presentation variable as '' using Page or Dashboard Prompt.

When I select 'All Column Values' we see the report with 'No Results' message as shown below since the criteria is not set properly

Use the below case statement to so that the condition matches as shown in the image
<COLUMN> LIKE (CASE WHEN '@{U}{}'='' THEN '%%' ELSE '@{U}' END)

On the Dashboard page, the prompt with option 'All Column Values' is selected and the report results are as below

Till Next Time.....

NQLogViewer in OBIEE

We can use the log viewer utility nQLogViewer to view the query log.Each entry in the query log is tagged with the user ID, session ID and request ID.The User ID will have the details of the user who issued the query, the session ID will have the details of the session in which the query was initiated, and the request ID will have the individual query.

Location of nQLogViewer:

In 11g : Oracle_BI_HOME/bifoundation/server/bin/nqlogviewer.
Note : You must run first the bi-init initialization file.

BI-INIT INITIALIZATION FILE: Before running any of the Oracle BI Server command-line utilities, you must now run bi-init.cmd (or on UNIX) to launch a command prompt or shell window that is initialized to your Oracle instance.

Location of this bi-init initialization file utility:
In 11g : ORACLE_INSTANCE/bifoundation/OracleBIApplication/coreapplication/setup
In 10g : Oracle_BI/server/bin/nqlogviewer

Syntax :

To run the nQlogViewer utility, open a Command window and type nQlogViewer with any combination of its arguments.

The syntax is as follows:

nqlogviewer [-u<user_ID>] [-f<log_input_filename>]
[-s<session_ID>] [-r<request_ID>]

Here :

user_ID :
The name of a user in the Oracle BI repository.By using this the user specified in the syntax only can use the query logging. If it is not specified ,all the users for whom query logging is enabled will be shown.

log_input_filename :
The name of an existing log file. This parameter is required.

output_result_filename :
The name of a file in which the output of the log viewer to be stored. If the file exists, results are appended to the file. If the file does not exist, a new file is created. If not specified, output is sent to the monitor screen.

session_ID :
The session ID of the user session.The Oracle BI Server assigns each session a unique ID when the session is initiated. This limits the scope of the log entries to the specified session ID. If not specified, all session IDs are shown.

request_ID :
The request ID of an individual query. The Oracle BI Server assigns each query a unique ID when the query is initiated. This limits the scope of the log entries to the specified request ID. If not specified, all request IDs are show

Wednesday 3 July 2013 Patch Set Released

The Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition patch set has been released (currently only for 32- and 64-bit Linux and Windows), and is available to download from My Oracle Support (

Per the patch readme:
This patch set is available for all customers who are using Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition

The Oracle Business Intelligence patch set is comprised of the following patches: 
Patch 16453010 - Patch (1 of 6) Oracle Business Intelligence Installer (BIINST)
Patch 16849017 - Patch (2 of 6) Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (BIP)
Patch 16916026 - Patch (3 of 6) Enterprise Performance Management Components Installed from BI Installer (BIFNDNEPM))
Patch 16850553 - Patch (4 of 6) Oracle Business Intelligence Server (BIS)
Patch 16842070 - Patch (5 of 6) Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Services (BIPS)
Patch 16869578 - Patch (6 of 6) Oracle Business Intelligence Platform Client Installers and Map Viewer
Also you must download
Patch 16569379 - Dynamic Monitoring Service patch

Note : OBIEE patch set is available as patch 16556157. Unzipping this patch will give you the six patches listed above.

Till Next Time....

Tuesday 2 July 2013

New BI Mobile Features in

14) Maximize views with double-tap gesture:

With this new feature, you can access on your iPad more data—even within dense dashboards—without the restrictions of the smaller form factor. You expand an individual view by double-tapping on it. The individual view then displays within the full screen of the iPad. This maximizing of views can be done on views accessed within a dashboard, and also when viewing an analysis independent of a dashboard. See "Working with Analyses and Dashboards."

15) New view and graph types:
The following new graph types are supported with BI Mobile: Performance tiles, Waterfall graphs, 100% stacked graph, Stacked graph

16) Fixed headers:

In analyses with fixed headers, you can use a single-finger drag gesture to scroll through data in all directions

17) Changing Orientation:

It is now possible to change between landscape and portrait orientation while viewing Oracle BI content.

18) Breadcrumbs:

You can see the navigation path you have taken while moving through the catalog as a trail of breadcrumbs (near the top of the screen by the Back arrow). In this way, you can see your current location and how you got there, then decide whether to use the Back arrow to navigate in reverse, or to use the Home icon to quickly return to the Home screen

19) Security toolkit:

The Oracle Business Intelligence Mobile Security Toolkit provides the ability to generate a signed version of the Oracle BI Mobile HD application. The toolkit includes the instructions and necessary content to build this application making use of Apple's Xcode and the IOS SDKs. The Oracle BI Mobile Security Toolkit will be updated on a regular basis in order to synchronize with the Oracle BI Mobile HD application available on the Apple App store. See "Using the Security Toolkit for Mobile Device Management."

20) Viewing of Oracle BI Publisher reports in dashboards

21) Integrated Full-Text Catalog Search:

As in the desktop version of Oracle BI EE, you can use full-text search to find catalog objects in Oracle BI Mobile based on attributes such as author and column name. This search is available after the administrator integrates Oracle BI Enterprise Edition with Oracle Endeca Server

Sunday 19 May 2013

New Features with OBIEE

The list covers new features for BI Presentation Layer, BI Mobile, BI Server, Server Administrators and BI Publisher. If you notice any other additional features then please post a comment at the bottom ... :)

Presentation Services Features :

1) Recommended Visualizations Feature for Creating Views:
  • When you create a view, you can choose a recommended view type based on the data in your analysis and, optionally, what you want to use it for (for example, to analyze trends).
  • You can choose a suggested "Best Visualization" as well as a "Recommended Subtype". Or you can instead choose the "Recommended Visualization" option, for which you specify your intent for the new view.
2) Breadcrumbs :
  • Breadcrumbs have been added to help users understand their current location within Oracle BI content and the path that they have used to navigate 
  • Oracle BI Breadcrumbs display at the bottom of the page, and users can click a breadcrumb or the breadcrumb overflow button to navigate to a specific location on their breadcrumb trail.
3) Enhancement to Dashboards:
  • The ability to create custom print layouts for high-fidelity printing of dashboard pages (i.e. automatic creation BI Publisher reports)
  • A new default style called FusionFX (instead of "blaf")
  • The addition of the Freeze Column option to the Column Properties menu. This option allows you to freeze a column at an edge (top or left) of a dashboard layout.
  • The addition of "Size" and "Page Size" options that allow you to control the position and size of columns and sections.
  • The ability to export an entire dashboard or a single dashboard page to Microsoft Excel 2007+
  • A new "Replace Analysis in <Dashboard>" option added to Answers to replace an analysis on a dashboard.
  • A new "Return to <Dashboard>" option within Answers to return to a dashboard from the Analysis editor.
4) Enhancements to Graphs

 In 7.0 comeing with Three New graph Views
 a) Waterfall graph,
 b) Stacked graph,
 c) 100% Stacked graph (the latter two are subtypes of Bar and Area graphs)
New Options :
Zoom to data range :- This option lets the system evaluate the range of values on an axis, and choose appropriate minimum and maximum values for the scale. This is useful when graphing a set of large values that are all within a small percentage of each other
Hide sliders in graph views that listen to master-detail events: For graphs in master-detail relationships, if you want to simplify the appearance of an analysis or dashboard, you can hide the slider that is created to accommodate detail columns.

5) Enhancements to Views :
  • A new view type named performance tile. This view type displays a single aggregate measure value in a manner that is both visually simple and prominent.
  • Action links in trellis views. In simple trellis views, action links can now be used on inner graphs per unit, including the context of the outer edges. Action links can also be used in legends and in axis labels. In advanced trellis views, action links can be used in micro charts, where the micro chart functions as a single unit (such as an aggregate number), including the context of the outer edges.
  • For map views, you can now vary the width of a line by measure to accentuate a feature
  • You can link a map view as a detail in a master-detail relationship
  • Auto Correct option for Map views (as errors in Map views can occur for various reasons). If the issue appears to be related to missing layers, maps, or styles, then it might be possible to correct the map by replacing the missing map view components with similar items that exist in the spatial metadata 
  • Legend and formatting highlighting
  • Null suppression at view and analysis levels. You can set null suppression options at the view level (which overrides the analysis level) for data views including: table, pivot table, trellis (both simple and advanced), graph, gauge, and funnel views when the entire row or column contains nulls.
  • Ability to include or exclude calculated items and groups at the view level for columns and column headers. Specifically, two new options have been added: Include Custom Member and Exclude Custom Member
For tables, pivot tables, and advanced trellises:
  • The ability to ◦specify the method to be used to browse data — either scrolling or paging controls
  • Re size rows and columns
  • Row count. If your table or pivot table view contains a grand total or subtotal on the row edge, the display totals, that is the grand total and subtotals, are now included in the Rows per Page count for content paging. In prior releases, if you had the Rows per Page count set to 10 for example, the table or pivot table would display more than 10 records if display totals were shown in the view results
  • For right-click interactions, the ability to specify whether the Hide Columns interaction is available at run time.
6) Enhancements to Prompts:

  • This release includes an enhancement to the SQL Results prompt option. If you are working with double columns, you can now write the SQL statement so that filtering is done on code values rather than display values
  • An enhancement to the prompt constraint option. The prompts designer can now limit a column prompt value list by more than one column
  • This release includes enhancements to the parameters for prompted links.

7) New Menu Options for Exporting Views and Results:

This release adds the Excel 2007+ and Powerpoint 2007+ options for exporting views and results

8) Total Member Placement for Hierarchical Columns:

This release includes an enhancement that allows placement of total members on a hierarchy.

9) Browse Catalog Search Results by Object Attributes:

The capability to use full-text search to find catalog objects and then filter the search results by attributes. This search is available when the administrator integrates Oracle BI Enterprise Edition with Oracle Endeca Server. After the full-text search results are returned, the Catalog area displays a list of matching items, and the Search pane displays the search results grouped by attribute (that is, Type, Name, Path, and Created By)

10) Navigate from the Total or Grand Total in a Table or Pivot Table:

If an analysis contains a total or grand total and the associated attribute or hierarchical column contains an action link or a conditional action link, the action link (or conditional action link) is applied to both the column and the total or grand total.

11) New BI Desktop Tools Available for Download:
  • Oracle Hyperion Smart View for Office
  • Oracle Hyperion Financial Reporting Studio (if Essbase is installed)
  • Oracle Essbase Studio Console (if Essbase is installed)
  • Oracle Essbase Administrative Services Console (if Essbase is installed)
12) Enhancement to Favorites:

This release provides the capability to organize your favorites from the Category Tree area and the Selected Category area in the Manage Favorites dialog. In previous releases, you could organize favorites from the Category Tree area.

13) Integration of Oracle BI EE with Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System

With this release, OBIEE is integrated with Enterprise Performance Management Work space (as part of the installation process)

New BI Mobile Features

Till  To Next Time .. !!!

Friday 10 May 2013

OBIEE 11g - Change the Rpd Password

Hi All,

One utility is Available in to change the Rpd password by command line. 

Follow these steps to change the repository password using the obieerpdpwdchg utility, and then deploy the modified repository in Fusion Middleware Control:

1.Run bi-init to launch a command prompt.

Find the Location of the bi-init

A) Client installations : ORACLE_HOME/bifoundation/server/bin
B) Other all installations : ORACLE_INSTANCE/bifoundation/OracleBIApplication/coreapplication/setup

 Double-click bi-init.cmd (or bi-init.bat for client installations) to display a command prompt that is initialized to your Oracle instance.

2. At the command prompt, type obieerpdpwdchg with the following arguments:
  • -I name_and_path_of_existing_repository
  • -O name_and_path_of_new_repository          
Then, enter the current (old) password and the new password when prompted. The repository password must be longer than five characters and cannot be empty. For example:

obieerpdpwdchg -I E:\SampleAppLite.rpd -O E:\New_SampleAppLite.rpd
Give password for repository: Admin123
Give password for repository: <new Password>

       Note that passwords are masked on the command line unless you include the -C option in the command to disable masking.

3. Open a Web browser and log in to Fusion Middleware Control from the computer where the updated repository is located.
4 .In the navigation tree, expand Business Intelligence and then click coreapplication to display the Business Intelligence Overview page.
5. Display the Repository tab of the Deployment page.
6. Click Lock and Edit Configuration.
7. Click Browse next to Repository File. Then, select the updated repository file and click Open.
8. Enter the new (updated) repository password in the Repository Password and the Confirm Password fields.

Make sure to specify the password that has been set in the repository. If the passwords do not match, the Oracle BI Server fails to start, and an error is logged in nqserver.log.

9. Click Apply, then click Activate Changes.
10. Return to the Business Intelligence Overview page and click Restart.

Tuesday 30 April 2013

OBIEE 11g - How to place custom images

Hi All,

Find the bellow steps:

1. Just place custom image under below path
 C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\bifoundation_domain\servers\AdminServer\tmp\_WL_user\FMW Welcome Page Application_11.\upd42q\war\images\green.gif

2. Restart the BI presentation services.

3.Create report with dummy column ans select narrative/static view and select HTML mark up check box.

<image src = "/images/green.gif">

Till Next time... 

Tuesday 23 April 2013

OBIEE 11g - How to access the files from other drive or network in obiee

Hi All,

To call any file/videos in OBIEE11g we will follow below steps:

Step1: Copy all files /videos in the below paths. Here Videos is my folder name which stores all my files/videos.



Step2: Once we are done with the above step, need to restart the services and access the files/videos using http://localhost:9704/analytics/res/Videos/filename.
Filename: Name of the files/videos which is stored in Videos folder which we created.

The above steps are well known to us, but there is one disadvantage on using the above method.

Disadvantage: All the files/video need to store in the OBIEE server, where if we have thousands of files then it will be the problem. Because on storing thousands of files will make server down, as these files may take more memory.

To achieve the above disadvantage we need to store all the files in other drive/network other than OBIEE server.

How to access the files from other drive or network in OBIEE?

Step1: Navigate to C:\OBIEE11G\Oracle_BI1\bifoundation\jee path and open analytics.ear file.

Stpe2: On opening ear file we can see analytics.war file, open this war file.

Step3: Now click on WEB-INF folder and open weblogic.xml file.

Place the below code before </weblogic-web-app> tag.


Step4: Restart the services, now we can access the jpeg images which were stored N drive with folder name Videos using the below url


Advantage: There is no burden to OBIEE server ,we can store all the files in different drive or network and can easy access this using OBIEE.

Hope this helps….

Thursday 18 April 2013

DWH - Scd Type 6(1+2+3=6)

Slowly Changing Dimension Type 6 a Combination of SCD Type 1, 2 & 3.We always can not fulfill all the business requirements just by these basic SCD Types 1,2 & 3. So here lets see what is SCD Type 6 and what it offers beyond the basic SCD Types.
                                 Where Scape RED natively supports type 1, 2 and 3 dimensions. But what on earth is a type 6 dimension? It is a combination of a type1, type 2 and type 3!
 Basically there are two columns used to track a type 6 attribute –
one holds the newest value, and one holds a point in time value that references a start and end date time. This is a great way of being able to:
choose whether to report or filter by an employee’s current department or their department when an event / fact was recorded.
choose whether to report or filter by a customer’s current suburb or their suburb when an transaction / fact was recorded.
do a “where are they now?” type of report eg where are employees working now, that worked in this location 2 years ago.

Where Scape RED can build these type 6 dimensions without resorting to customizing the code. The standard Where Scape RED procedures will generate change detection code for time variant data (type 2 and 3 attributes) and RED will add change tracking columns to manage date ranges in those dimensions.
Just to summaries:
A type 1 slowly changing dimension (a Normal dimension in RED’s dimension wizard) will overwrite historical changes with the newest data – one record for each unique business key.
A type 2 slowly changing dimension (a Slowly Changing dimension in RED’s dimension wizard) will create new records each time an attribute that is marked as slowly changing does not match the “current” value for that business key. Unique start and end date ranges will manage which record is relevant at any point in time.
A type 3 dimension (a Previous Values dimension in RED’s dimension wizard) will hold the current and the previous attribute values for a tracked attribute in two attributes in the dimension.
The mysterious date ranged dimension in Where Scape RED is essentially a type 2 dimension that relies on the source system to maintain and pass changed data with date ranges.
So how would you build a type 6 dimension in RED using standard RED code? By copying a source attribute into two dimension attributes, one to hold the current value and one for a point in time value (with suffixes of _cur and _pit). This dimension should be built as a type 2 dimension in RED, with the _cur attributes marked as type 1, whilst the _pit attributes selected as type 2 attributes.
for more information follow this link.

Friday 12 April 2013

OBIEE 11g - Run the weblogic server on backend at LINUX


when we you run the weblogic server through PuTTy after that close the PuTTy weblogic Server going down
that time Console and Em pages not working that way we are running the weblogic server backend.

Find The Bellow steps....

1. Create The "" file bellow location.


2.By Default it is not created you have create manually with Username and password of weblogic server.

  password =weblogic1

Then save it.

3.Go to weblogic server path

4.After that use bellow command.
       (./ &)

5.wait for status is coming to RUNNING..
